
Friday, October 19, 2007

Know About Digital Cam's

Resolution is less important than you think
There is a popular misconception that more megapixels lead to better pictures. This is not the case.

Sure, higher resolution gives you the ability to crop more aggressively or print large pictures, but only a fraction of digital photographers will benefit from this ability. If you're a casual shooter who won't be printing pictures larger than 8x10" or doing extensive computer editing, then a camera with 5- or 6-megapixel resolution will be sufficient.

More advanced photographers will likely appreciate the flexibility of higher resolution, but a 10+ megapixel camera is by no means necessary to create stunning pictures. Choose a camera you can understand and afford, and don't be fooled by glitzy high-resolution specs.

Zoom is more important than you think
Whether you're shooting distant wildlife or close-up portraits, you can never have too much zoom. The majority of digital cameras have 3-, or 4x optical zoom, but you will never regret choosing a model with more telephoto power.

Fortunately the extended zoom camera category is growing rapidly, and there is a great selection of models with 8-, 10-, or even 12x optical zoom. For the ultimate in zoom control and quality, look for an extended-zoom camera with image stabilization, which will ensure that shots taken at full telephoto will be tack-sharp, even without a tripod.

Travelers should use cameras with AA Batteries
Digital cameras come in two varieties: those that use AA-size batteries and those that are powered by proprietary lithium-ion batteries. If you are a traveler, particularly someone who enjoys remote or rustic locations, choose a camera with AA batteries.

When a camera that uses proprietary batteries runs out of power, you have no choice but to plug the battery into a power outlet to recharge it. This requires an available outlet, a battery charger, and, if you're in a foreign country, a power converter. If access to an outlet is ever in doubt, or if you don't want the hassle of carrying cords and chargers, then the limitations of this system are obvious.

When a camera that uses AA-size batteries runs out of power on a trip, you can simply throw out the old batteries and drop in a new set of high-performance AAs like the Energizer E2 Lithium line. Two or three sets of such batteries can usually take you through a 10-day trip. If you're out of high-performance batteries, you also have the option of using standard alkaline batteries, which are available anywhere in the world, and make a cheap and convenient source of backup power (though they only offer a fraction of the life of high performance batteries).

Recent trips to Asia and Africa have borne this theory out—after my companions' cameras had been sidelined by dead batteries, I was still happily shooting away with my AA-powered Canon PowerShot.

Small cameras get shots that big cameras don't
Sure, that big, black SLR with the long lens may look fancy, but it won't do you any good if you're not carrying it. Never underestimate the importance of having a camera that is small enough to fit into your pocket—you'll be amazed at the spontaneous pictures you'll have the opportunity to take. While the photo quality produced by an ultra-compact does not equal that of a large SLR, the ability to whip it out and snap a shot while others are fumbling for their bulky cameras more than outweighs this drawback.

Canon makes great cameras
Canon digital cameras receive consistently great reviews, and for good reason: Over the last 2+ years, Canon has time and again proven itself capable of producing well-designed cameras that produce impressive results. From the EOS line of digital SLRs to the diminutive PowerShot ELPHs, Canon invests substantial time in the design process, and the results pay off—photographers of all abilities rave about their Canon cameras.

There have been some mistakes along the way—the Canon A70 was built with a design flaw that produces crippling error messages and black lines on the LCD, but newer models seem to be free of this problem. If you're looking for a great combination of features, price, and performance, Canon will almost always deliver. (NOTE: Digital Camera HQ is in no way affiliated with Canon, nor do we derive any benefit from recommending one brand over another).

Kodak makes great, easy-to-use cameras
When I bought my mother her first digital camera, I chose a Kodak, having read countless reviews that raved about their user-friendly controls. The reviews were right—Kodak's EasyShare digital cameras are remarkably easy to use: the menus are simple, the LCD text large and clear, and the controls largely self-explanatory. The results are just as impressive, with attractive, saturated colors and crisp definition. Don't be fooled into thinking that Kodak digital cameras are just for beginners, however—their simplicity aside, many of the high-end EasyShare models offer a full suite of manual controls for ambitious photographers.

Digital cameras can and will break
Whether it's due to accidental damage or simple wear and tear, digital cameras are not as durable as their film counterparts. Many photographers have film cameras that are ten or twenty years old—don't expect this kind of longevity from your new digital toy. Some cameras suffer from design flaws (like black lines on the LCD screen of the Canon A70), while others fall victim to the kind of mechanical breakdowns that effect every kind of electronic gear.

Does this mean that you shouldn't buy a digital camera? Absolutely not. A digital camera will so fundamentally change the way you think about photography that you will wonder how you ever got along without one. You must, however, be comfortable with the fact that one day your camera will cease to work.

For some, this knowledge may keep them from spending top dollar on a fancy camera; others simply accept it as the sole downside of working with digital. The most important thing is to do your homework before you buy—any fundamental design flaws will be quickly apparent in user reviews.

Don't put all your pictures on one card
After returning from a trip to Asia, I eagerly inserted one of my memory cards into a card reader to download my new pictures. For still unexplained reasons (likely a static electricity discharge), a card that should have held over 200 pictures was suddenly rendered blank. Two weeks and $250 later (thanks to, I had recovered about 90% of my pictures, but the rest were lost permanently.

The moral of the story? Like any other technology, flash memory is not flawless. It is very rare to lose images, but it does happen, and the fact that I had spread my pictures between 5 memory cards protected me from the possibility of losing two weeks' worth of irreplaceable vacation memories. Given the choice between choosing a single 1GB memory card, or four 256MB cards, I will always choose multiple cards.

Find & use a simple photo editing program
Most digital photographers will never take the time to master expensive and powerful photo editing programs like Adobe Photoshop or Jasc Paint Shop Pro—these programs are too complex and time-consuming for all but the most dedicated photographers. Fortunately there are a variety of easy-to-use editing programs that even novice photographers can use to edit, improve, and organize their digital photos.

My favorite program is Picasa, and it is absolutely free at With Picasa you can perform all the basic editing tasks like sharpening, contrast correction, cropping, and straightening—most with just the touch of a button. Spend a few minutes on your best photographs and you will be amazed at the results. Picasa also make it incredibly easy to organize your best shots so you don't have to sift through hundreds of unwanted pictures to find your prizewinners.

Print and display your pictures
Far too many people take great digital images, only to have them languish in obscurity on their hard drive, never to be enjoyed by others. Don't let this happen to you.

Online image hosting and printing companies like Snapfish or Kodak Gallery can turn your digital images into high-quality prints of any size. You can simply upload your pictures onto the website. From there you can order prints of every size as well as photo mouse pads, calendars, t-shirts and other gifts. You can also send a link to friends so that they can view your pictures online and order their own copies.

If you want to see more of your own pictures, nothing beats using them as a screen saver on your computer. Simply right-click on your desktop, choose Properties/Screen Saver/Settings, and you can direct your computer to the pictures you wish to use. Set the screen saver to change images every 10 seconds and you'll have an instant slide show every time your computer is idle.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Mystery of Egypt Pyramids

The many monuments in Egypt all display an evolutionary history which can be traced through time. In the case of the pyramids, we know that the stunning structures of the Giza Plateau all had predecessors. Before them, the Egyptians built square step-pyramids. Before that, they erected rectangular step-pyramids and right at the start, the so-called "mastaba", which were basically just large, slope-walled rectangles, rounded at the top.


Digital Images

Chris Jordan uses digital images to convey the massive scale of consumerism.

See Here...

Dirty Little Secrets in IT

If you are preparing for a career in IT or are new to IT, many of the “dirty little secrets” listed below may surprise you because we don’t usually talk about them out loud. If you are an IT veteran, you’ve probably encountered most of these issues and have a few of your own to add and please, by all means, take a moment to add them to the discussion. Most of these secrets are aimed at network administrators, IT managers, and desktop support professionals. This list is not aimed at developers and programmers they have their own set of additional dirty little secrets but some of these will apply to them as well.

Read Here...

Convert Files - Online

Have you ever wanted to convert files without the need to download software ?

Convert Here...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

All About Adsense

All About Adsense:

Google AdSense is the program that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website—with a minimal investment in time and no additional resources.

AdSense delivers relevant text and image ads that are precisely targeted to your site and your site content. And when you add a Google search box to your site, AdSense delivers relevant text ads that are targeted to the Google search results pages generated by your visitors’ search request.

Learn more about adsense from

Offical Information about Google® Adsense

More information about Google® Adsense


META Tags are HTML tags which provide information that describes the content of the webpages a user will be viewing. Search engines have recognized that website owners and administrators can use this resource to control their positioning and descriptions in search engine results. Many search engines have now incorporated reading META tags as part of their indexing formulas.

The goal of this guide is to help webmasters understand the most frequent META tags, their application and usage. From below, select those META tags which you would like to learn about...


Keyboard shortcuts in Gmail

Keyboard shortcuts in Gmail:

Keyboard shortcuts help you save time since you never have to take your hands off the keyboard to use the mouse. You'll need a Standard 101/102-Key or Natural PS/2 Keyboard to use the shortcuts.

For More Info...

Monday, October 15, 2007

Special Character List

Special Characters List for HTML. Some time this is will be very useful :-)

Special Characters List
More Special Characters List

Windows Live WiFi Center

Windows Live WiFi Center is part of Microsoft's Windows Live services that helps users to find and connect to wireless networks around the world. It allows users to search for wireless networks that are available and displays information about them such as security configuration and signal strength. In addition, users can also add wireless networks as favorites, track connection history, and manage network preferences. It uses VPN technology to secure a wireless Internet connection on unsecured networks

The service allows users to search for free and fee-based wireless networks, showing information such as address, description, available amenities, service providers and location using Windows Live Maps.

Windows Live Photogallery

Easily share your photos - Show off your photos on the web by simply publishing them to Windows Live Spaces. E-mail as many photos as you’d like to friends and family with ease. Display your photos with cool screensavers and slideshows.

Quickly find your photos and videos - Import your pictures from your digital camera, and the Windows Live Photo Gallery will automatically organize them into events based on date and time. Keep your images organized by name, date, rating, and type. Locate similar pictures with tags you add.

Enhance your photos and videos - Create a cool panoramic view by combining multiple photos. Capture the moment by adding captions. Enhance your photos by adjusting things like color and exposure. Improve your photos with simple crop and red-eye fixes.


Windows Live Clipboard

Live Clipboard is part of Microsoft's Windows Live range of services. It is a technique for allowing a user to cut, copy and paste rich data between webpages and browsers using an XML format. Microformats for data like calendar entries, contact information, etc. would be seamlessly translated to common clipboard data formats making re-use easy.

As of June 2007, adoption of the technology has been slow, and currently the only known application of the Live Clipboard technology is at

Microsoft Windows Writer

Writer is a free desktop application that makes it easy to publish rich content to your blog.

Compatible with your blog service - Writer can to publish to Windows Live Spaces, Sharepoint, WordPress, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, Moveable Type, Community Server, and many other weblog services.

WYSIWYG editing - Writer knows your blog's visual theme. So you can see exactly what your posts will look like as you write them, before you publish. No more wasting time previewing your posts online.

Rich media publishing - Writer makes publishing rich media as easy as sending e-mail. Insert and customize photos, videos, maps, tags, and lots of other cool content then click the “Publish” button. It’s that easy.

Powerful editing features - Creating compelling blog posts is much easier with the ability to insert and edit tables, check spelling as you type, and format and hyperlink content at your fingertips.

Offline editing - Now you can blog anytime, from anywhere. Writer synchronizes drafts on your blog with changes you make when you're offline, so you don't have to worry about reconciling different versions.

Microsoft Windows Live Calendar

Windows Live Calendar is an upcoming time-management web application by Microsoft. It will be integrated into Windows Live Hotmail, the way that MSN Calendar is integrated into the MSN Hotmail service.

It was reported back in June 2006 that Windows Live Calendar will feature iCalendar invitations, calendar sharing, tasks and notes, RSS support, calendar data synchronisation, and supports adding entries from other sources. It will be tightly integrated with other Windows Live services (such as Windows Live Hotmail), and feature a new and simplified user interface.

Windows Live Calendar is currently under internal pre-beta testing for Microsoft employees. However, it is speculated that it will soon be available for public beta testing.

SkyDrive - Online Storage from Microsoft

Windows Live SkyDrive (previously Windows Live Folders) is part of Microsoft's Windows Live range of services which allow users to upload their files to the cloud, providing access to them from an internet browser. The service utilizes Windows Live ID to limit access to the files the user has uploaded, allowing them to keep the files private, share with contacts, or make the files public. Publicly-shared files do not require a Windows Live ID to access

The service currently offers 1GB, with a maximum upload file size of 50MB. Up to five files can be uploaded each time. Optionally, an ActiveX tool can be installed to allow drag-and-drop uploading from Windows Explorer.

Sky Drive from Microsoft®